Pais (Grape)

Type: Red

Country/ies: Chile

Regions: Bio-Bio, Maule and Itata RIver

Characteristics: Cherry, anise, sage. Medium body, high tannins and mid/low acidity.

Other names:  Negra Peruana, Criolla Chica (Argentina)

Pais is a grape from Chile mainly planted in the south that came from the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. This used to be Chiles number one grape before the Bordeaux-varieties came and took over. There has lately been a resurgence to get the Pais-grape popular again by wineries such as A los Vineteros Bravos in the Itata Valley.

It was brought to Chile by the Spanish conquiestadors from Peru in the 16th century.

Primary flavors being cherry, anise cured meats and sage. Medium body, relatively high tanins and medium to lower acidity.



Chile winemakers revive fortunes of ‘forgotten’ Pais grape


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