Past Event: Italian Reds 22/02/2020


Saturday the 22nd February we arranged a red wine tasting of 4 red wines from Italy blind. This was the first event taking place at Seven Sisters, London. Thanks to all that came! In this tasting all wines were between 9-15£ each and actually the cheapest were the winner. Slightly after we also recorded a podcast talking with a sourdough maker trying the wines, the conversation were great so check the website out for when this episode is released.

If you are interested in reading about Italian red wines we have a post here going over the basics of some typical red wines.  If you want to learn more about the region where the winner is from then we have made a map of the Marche-region where Rosso Piceno DO is and you can check it out below.

Marche (Central Italian Wine Region)

In terms of the votes it was the most even vote ever where 1, 2 and 3 recieved similar amount of votes while the Aglianico failed to impress with just one single vote for best wine.

The four wines we tried blind was:

  1. Monferrato 2018 – Dolcetto from Piedmont
  2. Araldica – Barbera d’Asti 2016
  3. Sassiolo Rosso Piceno 2014 – Monte Schiavo (Majestic Wines)
  4. Villa Raiano – Aglianico 2017 – Campania

Here below are the comments on each wine.

  1. This dolcetto was, as often is quite easy drinking. It had a strawberry nose, high adity and low tannins with notes of red currant and overall red fruit. A good starter wine.
  2. This Barbera was not as heavy as you might think if you go Barolo/Barbaresco but it certainly had this black fruit, pepper, oakyness but still quite easy to drink with a medium body and lighter than expected.
  3. The Rosso Pinceno is the only blend with a sangiovese and montepulciano blend from Marche region in central Italy. It had cherry and vanilla aromas, noticeable oak. Ruby colour with a nice medium body wine still with character. This was the winner in this tasting. You can buy this one in average for 9£.
  4. The aglianico had a strong deep garnet colour and full body. This would probably have benefitted by being opened as it was quite closed which might explain that the tasters did not in general appreciate it. It also has the lowest score online of the wines in the tasting.
Read related post  We are back! Red Bordeaux Tasting 5th Feb